首页怪怪守护神异世界篇第145章 此次前往漂亮国

第145章 此次前往漂亮国




        “the suspicious flying the suspicious flying objeow immediately stop a, you have illegally ehe try, immediately stop the flying objects!大概意思:前面的可疑飞行物现在立刻马上停止行动,你已非法入境,立刻将飞行物停下!”




        “Sir, the uified flying object has flown a strange mae and requested instrus from the mander of the Uates Search mand headquarters.大概意思:报告长官,那个不明飞行物,飞出了一个奇怪的机器,请求漂亮国搜查队总部指挥员指示!”战机之中,行动队长拿出对讲机在和总部联系。

        “this is the mander of the headquarters of the beautiful try search team. Now catch the suspicious characters immediately and shoot down the flying objects directly!大概意思:这里是漂亮国搜查队总部指挥员,现在立刻捉拿可疑人物,直接将飞行物击落便可!”对讲机另一边的人下令道。

        “Yes, sir. team at mand! defeat the target and bring down the UFo.大概意思:是,长官。全队听令!击败目标,打落不明飞行物。”接着,战机里面的队长对着其他战机里面的人发令。







        “Report to headquarters. we''re losing! Request naval support, land forces!大概意思:报告总部,我们快要失守了!请求海战,陆战部队支援!”战斗机里面的那个小队长立刻用自己剩余的时间用对讲机请求增援。

        “this is the search headquarters of the beautiful try. please calm down. hts are not so great. please describe it carefully...大概意思:这里是漂亮国搜查总部,请冷静点,我们的权利并没有这么大,请仔细的描述一下…”

        “Enough of this nonsense like the poliow, now, now, we need backup!大概意思:够了,不要再像那些警察那样子搁这讲废话了!现在立刻马上我们需要增援!”那个队长接近绝望的怒吼着打断了那边的话。

        “we''re entering all capabilities. tact the dod. please wait. don''t worry.大概意思:我们正在尽所有能力联系国防部,请稍等不要着急。”对讲机的那头算是比较快速的,联系到了国防部。

        “damn it! the spy we sent to Shenzhou before was suddenly beaten by 01! Now there is another UFo on our national border, and you ''t solve it?! Lost many high-tech fighters, and the plane is gone when the ons are not used?! what do you eat? You usually give your patrol headquarters a lot of bes, right?!大概意思:真是的!之前我们派去神州国的间谍,就被突然闯过来的01给打了!现在我们国家国界那又出现一个不明飞行物,而且你们还解决不了?!损失了多家高科技战斗机,而且武器还没用出来飞机就没了?!你们干什么吃的?平时没少给你们巡逻总部好处吧?!”这时候国防总部里面一个金色短发身高一米九的独眼龙男军官怒吼道。

        “however, acc to the remaining energy to opeelligent system after iigation, the flying objeside is 01 ah...大概意思:可是,据剩余能源开启智能系统后调查后,那个飞行物里面正是01啊…”

        “there''s still time to talk to others. You''re the only o!大概意思:还有时间搁这和别人聊天呢?只剩下你一个了!”就在这时身上被打的有些损坏的战甲爬到了,最后队长所在的那个飞船驾驶舱面前说着,便凝聚胸口炮和那辆战机同归于尽。


        “hello?! heller that! e in! damn it! these freeloaders..., Even such a child ''t ha?! bunch of losers!!!大概意思:喂?!喂?!收到请回答!可恶!这帮吃干饭的…,就连这么个小孩都搞不定?!一群废物!!!”独眼龙在自己的办公室内怒吼着砸桌子,旁边的黄色短发,身高一米九五的眼镜男秘书却不像正常人该有的那样害怕,而是十分冷静:

        “Sir, calm down. the research base has already recovered the remains of that person, and with current teology, there is an 83% certainty that it    be resurrected, so, plus my cooperation plan with him, not only the present little child, but even the whole world    take it down!大概意思:长官息怒,科研基地那边,早已回收了,那个人的残骸,并且以现在的技术来说,有83%的把握能够复活它,那样子,再加上我跟他的配合计划,不只是现在的这个小毛孩儿,乃至整个世界拿下来都不在话下!”眼镜秘书十分冷静且自信的说道。

        “... but is your information reliable? Not to mention the whole world, even our deadly enemies, old rivals, maozi and Shenzhou, one of these two is enough for us to choke. where    you grasp it?大概意思:…可你的情报可靠吗?先不说整世界,连我们的死对头,老对手,毛子,神州,这两个其中一个都够我们呛的了,你哪来的把握?”独眼龙有些不太相信。

        “don''t fet, it    be said that even if the majority of our people disappear, o those few people, they    gradually develop again as before. It    still be spread all over the world as it is now, and the iors of all kinds of enterprises    be our people. on the face of it, they''re a threat to us. In fact, even if those tries all join together, as long as our people stop funding and stantly exploit them, they are slaves who are dying and waiting to starve to death, and they are only the palaythings of our nation and playthings of our nation, how    you be afraid of such mindless ants?大概意思:你别忘了,可以说我们民族的人即使消失大多数人,紧靠那少数人,也能像之前那样逐渐重新发展起来,仍然能像现在这样遍布整个世界,各种企业的投资者可都是我们的人。表面上看,它们是我们的威胁,实际上,那些国家即便全部联手起来,只要我们的人不在提供资金,并且不断的剥削他们,他们中规是垂死挣扎等待饿死的奴隶,任由我们榨干的果实,他们只不过是我们民族的棋子玩物,我们作为神一样的民族,怎又会惧怕那般不带脑子的蝼蚁?”眼镜秘书说的越发激昂,激动的差点一拳砸在桌子上。

        “You''re very excited... Go on大概意思:你讲的很激动…继续说”独眼龙很欣赏眼前的这个秘书,于是说道。

        “thank you, sir, for your approval. what we o do now is to take advantage of the fact that tries are still suffering from internal aernal troubles and there are few strong people in the whole try who    take a, that is, now. First send some troops to shoot down 01''s spaceship, then rely on these people to delay time, and then we use this time to quickly resurrect the person I want to resurrect. then we go to collude with mao Ziguo and Shenzhou, two powerful tries with similar ideas, and then we go to attack 01, even this 01, it is such a powerful experimental body that we    also hit it hard. besides, even Shenzhou has detained 01 twice. this time, so many strong people, don''t worry about killing him?大概意思:谢谢长官的赞许,我们现在要做的是,趁着各国仍然还是内忧外患,并且整个国家没几个拿的出手的强者时,也就是现在,先去派遣一些兵力打下01的飞船,然后依靠这些人拖延时间,接着我们用这点时间迅速复活我想复活的那位人,然后我们去串通一下毛子国还有神州国这两个强大国家与我们想法大致的人,接着我们前去攻打01,哪怕这个01,是如此强大的实验体,我们也能将其重创,再说了连神州国那边都拘留了两次01,这一次,如此之多的强者,还不愁将他杀死?”那个秘书提出了他的想法。

        “Very good! Very good!! So now do as you say at once, and then it''s up to you!大概意思:很好!很好!!那么现在立刻按照你说的去做,接下来就由你来办了!”独眼龙非常高兴,并且立刻调用了权限给眼镜。



